Cost of Surrogacy
It's important to recognize that surrogacy is an expensive process. So it's necessary that to fully understand the costs of surrogacy. Surrogacy requires not only emotional aspect but also financial commitment. The cost depends on a variety of factors, such as single or twin pregnancy, surrogacy compensation, and lost wages, and so on.
The total estimated cost is up to $120,000-150,000
Based on our previous experience, the main expenses involved in the process of surrogacy are listed as follows:
Cost related Surrogate
Surrogate recruitment, pre-screening and matching
Basic compensation
Monthly allowance
Transfer reimbursement
Lost wages
Maternity clothing
Children care, etc.
Medical expense
Create embryos
Embryo(s) Transfer
Surrogate monitor
Hospitalization and delivery cost, etc.
Legal fee
GCA draft fee by Intended Parent(s)' attorney
Parental Establishment and Court Pleadings, Pre-Birth Order
Escrow account management
Surrogate's attorney fee
Life insurance for carrier
Health premiums
New born policy